Join equity crowd funding for Dialogue in Malaysia

Our Dialogue partner in Malaysia, Stevens Chan, has embarked on an ambitious crowd funding campaign to achieve his inclusion vision.

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The Equity Crowd Funding campaign is active now on one of the only 6 licensed Equity Crowd Funding platform in Malaysia. They are licensed by Malaysia’ Central Bank as they are collecting investments from the Public.

DIA Academy goal is to raise the minimum of Euro 200.000. The campaign is ending on march 27th 2024.

Steven’s vision is a 5-year roadmap, which includes becoming Southeast Asia's first full 4 Dialogue Experience Discovery Center in 2026. This ambitious endeavour involves incorporating additional immersive experiences, such as Dialogue in Silence facilitated by the Deaf and Dialogue with Time facilitated by Senior Citizens.

You can inquiry more about the project, invest now or share the following link with your contacts: