Dialogue in the Dark Argentina and a Dear Return

Has it ever happened to you that when you meet a great person you realize it immediately?

A woman in front of a nature painting.

It was my case with Arelis Pieve in 2011 in Buenos Aires. Arelis, who lives with visual impairment, became a great moderator and facilitator of Dialogue in the Dark workshops in Argentina for almost 10 years. When the project came to an end, she continued as one of the most committed and professional people I have seen in our network.


Today, Arelis decided to become a D-partner and start her own adventure with Dialogue in the Dark, not only as a facilitator or team leader, but also as an entrepreneur.

What got you hooked on Dialogue in the Dark workshops in 2011?

I approached participating initially thinking of having the possibility of having extra income. However, I found a very attractive space for learning and personal development where I felt very comfortable and was able to interact with the workshop participants in an intuitive way, which ultimately inspired me to become a professional coach.

You mentioned learning, what did you learn from the workshops?

Observation, listening, connecting with people's emotions, building trust. Ease in integrating the information received, making empathetic and respectful feedback, aligned with the objectives set for the workshops.

But Dialogue in the Dark in Argentina came to an end. What happened to you during that time?

I continued with my regular job; in addition, I worked as a remote coach in Mexico for school principals, assistant principals and supervisors. I also obtained my ICF Professional Coach Certified credential. 

And now you are resuming Dialogue in the Dark for Argentina. You are taking the leap to become a partner. How did you decide?

The workshops left a very deep impression on me, I feel very identified with its philosophy and work methodology; I also believe that it responds to a process of growth in which I began as a facilitator and moderator, then as a trainer, team coordinator, and now, given the non-renewal of the previous partner, I set myself the challenge of producing the workshops again in Argentina because I consider them a very valuable contribution to the processes of organizational growth and change.

What do the Dialogue in the Dark workshops have to offer the Argentinian market after 15 years?

First of all, I believe that the DID workshops have a high impact on their participants, not only because the darkness is an environment that challenges them, but also because the quality, diversity and adaptability of the exercises we play allows the development of skills focused on communication, teamwork and leadership, but it goes beyond that. In a globalized world where companies take care of their employees, collaborators, suppliers and clients, Argentina is no exception and we can observe how in the business and organizational environment, they are concerned and worried about offering spaces where they can cultivate personal relationships, contribute to their professional growth and favor motivation, trust and openness to changes, where DiD workshops have an unquestionable potential in my opinion.

At DSE we appreciate and value your commitment and effort during these years. And we are proud to welcome you as a partner now. Finally, tell us what is the plan for this first year.

Contact again the certified facilitators of the first stage of DiD to train the team again, contact the companies that have already lived the experience, contact consultants who are interested in offering them to their clients, and give the workshops enough visibility and publicity, until they are incorporated again to the market.

Argentina is back in the dark and we at DSE are very proud to have a new partner with visual disability in our network. Find their contact information at our venue list.