• Photo of guides from the Dialogue with Time, Berlin at the opeing celebration.

    An Exhibition To Mitigate Fears Of Getting Old

  • Photo of a guide explaing a game of assorting oversized pills in a grid to two visitors in the Yellow Room of the Dialogue with Time exhibition Frankfurt.

    Experience Ageing

  • Photo of a guide talking with two kids, who are seated on a bench that is marked "For retired persons only"

    Enter to an Intergenerational Dialogue

  • Photo of a boy experiencing the simulation of age related hearing loss at one of the exhibits, being observed by two girls and the guides.

    Be Prepared for the Demographic Change

Meet your tomorrow

Dialogue with Time is an interactive exhibition, the first of its kind in the world that deals with aging from an original perspective. The groundbreaking exhibition allows visitors a glimpse into the world of the elderly.

Through experiential play, using latest technology, a creative intergenerational dialogue is produced, dispelling stereotypes and clichés of old age. The guides of this exhibition are aged 70 and above. They are the mediators and experts in all facets of aging and act as role models.

Photo of a boy watching the biographies video installation, where the face of a person is projected on a graphic background, telling her or his life story.

Why Ageing?

Understand Ageing

A photo of a vistor group in the Dialogue with Time room "Future of Aging", where the visitors are seated on circular benches, watching a video on enviromental changes needed to meet an ageing society.


Exiting Journey of Ageing

Picture of a wall with photos of the guides and their statements on "What does age mean to me?"


Masters of Seniority

Photo of the "Tunnel of Questions" in the Dialogue with Time exhibition Holon, Israel. The walls of the tunnel are bathed in purple light and various questions around the topic of age are written on them.


3 Years of Increasing Traction

Photo of the Yellow Room in the Dialogue with Time exhibtion, titled "Diversity of Ageing"


Enjoy some impressions of our exhibitions and workshops