For a couple of years we have been pushing the concept of MODI (the museum of inclusion and diversity). A place where our most meaningful exhibitions are put together to create a new immersive engaging and interactive encounter with empathy, inclusion and diversity.
The Dialogue partners in Japan got very engaged with this idea. They carried all planning and organization to open their MODI version for the Olympic Games period.
They chose “Dialogue Forest” as the title of their Japanese MODI concept. A title which resonates perfectly with the Japanese mindset that is familiar to nature.
They created a unique diverse logo. For this, they did an interesting exercise: they asked on their website the question “What is Dialogue for you?” And put together all ideas into this collective logo.
But we all know what happened. The pandemic came and even the Olympic Games were postponed.
However, we are privileged to count on a very resilient network of great people. Despite all odds, the “Dialogue Forest” opened last August 23rd. You can visit their website here.
The central experiences in the “Dialogue Forest” are Dialogue in the Dark, Dialogue in Silence and Dialogue with Time. Adaptations were required to comply with the current safety and health measurements due to Covid-19. Among those revisions there are three main variations: first, a smaller number of visitors at the same time. Second, the Dialogue in the Dark concept has been temporarily modified into a Dialogue in the Light since physical distancing is hard to keep in the dark. Finally, the Dialogue with Time concept will only open next year since currently seniors belong to the risk groups.
The aim of the “Dialogue Forest” museum is to allow all conversations to flourish. No forest is a forest until diversity works together. As an Islamic Proverb says: “A lot of different flowers make a bouquet.”
The Dialogue international family is very proud of our Japanese partners. They give us energy and hope to continue our mission. And we wish this Dialogue Forest to flourish for long time!